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Medical monitoring

How to organize medical monitoring?

In the current state of knowledge and in the absence of pathologies observed in humans, it seems difficult for many nanoparticles to propose a specific medical surveillance. When nanoparticles consist of materials already identified as dangerous substances, and when protocols of medical surveillance are already established (particularly the biological indicators of exposure) these protocols are of great interest for nanoparticles.


“Nano” work station.

Considering the planned modes of action and potential target organs, we could propose specific tests of the respiratory and cardiac function. But these tests are not specific, and some of them are difficult to implement in routine controls. Today, there is no exam to help us to detect changes in health which could result from an exposure. Specific markers of the inflammation or the coagulation are research areas to be developed.

The persons presenting respiratory pathologies (asthma, chronic bronchopneumopathy) should be the subject of a particular surveillance.

Besides, the decree of December 23rd, 2003 stipulates an exposure form is to be used for every worker exposed to dangerous chemical agents, a copy of which must be communicated to the company doctor.

The identification of an exposure to materials of nanoscale dimension on this form would constitute a first step towards the collection of data on professional exposures, data that is precious for later epidemiological studies.