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Precaution and Uncertainties

As “emerging risks” nanomaterials risk is practically evaluated by precautionary matrix as Swidd precautionary matrix. Besides some Safety factsheets are developed as well some guidelines to support these risk management process. But the current knowledge about information needed is mostly not sufficient enough to feed this matrix: level of uncertainty is the main risk analysis limitation. Waiting for research results on hazard, exposure and life cycle, risk management has to clearly point out the level and the identity of these uncertainties.

Developed under FP7 iNTegRisk program, the Quick Check Knowledge Assessment (QCKA) method is mainly intended for small and micro businesses which are using nanomaterials in their process. This method enables the user to do an inventory of the knowledge related to the nanorisk and helps him to know how to increase his knowledge level. Considering "organization", "material", "hazard", "exposure" and "life cycle" knowledge relative to the considered potential nanorisk, QCKA helps you to characterize by "excellent", "good", "sufficient", "little", "insufficient" these respective levels.