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How a nanowetworkshop works?

Starting from chemical precursors, a colloidal synthesis enables you to obtain nanoparticles. After characterization, they are either directly integrated in a matrix, or chemically processed (functionalization, encapsulation) in order to insert them in the matrix. A disaggregation and then dispersion of nanopowders in liquid route can also lead to a "nano" colloid. In each phase of activity: Transport, Processing, Maintenance, Storage, and Management of solid and liquid wastes, the particle propensity to disperse will be specific.


 Glovebox powder transfer.

Liquid method: (gloves, lab coat, and chemical glasses) must be worn. If the solvent is organic: handling in a ventilated fume chamber. For small volumes (ml), and when the nature of the solvent allows (ethanol or water, for example), handling is performed outside of the fume chamber, e.g. characterization.

Dry method: the placing in solvent is performed in a glovebox, in the event of a very low quantity of powder in the fume chamber. Decanting to the solvent recipient is then performed in the fuel chamber with a FPP3 mask, avoiding the formation of a powder cloud.

Lab coat, glasses and gloves compulsory for every person working in the premises. The visitors have to wear glasses before penetrating into the premises.