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How a nanowetworkshop works?

Starting from chemical precursors, a colloidal synthesis enables you to obtain nanoparticles. After characterization, they are either directly integrated in a matrix, or chemically processed (functionalization, encapsulation) in order to insert them in the matrix. A disaggregation and then dispersion of nanopowders in liquid route can also lead to a "nano" colloid. In each phase of activity: Transport, Processing, Maintenance, Storage, and Management of solid and liquid wastes, the particle propensity to disperse will be specific.

 SEM micrographs of: (a) an uncoated fabric fiber and (b) a fabric fiber coated with TiO2 [S. Ortelli et al., Materials 8 (2015) 7988-7996].

The integration of nanoparticles consists in incorporating them (using dry or liquid means) into a material, and thus produce an object possessing new properties (optical or thermal, for example).  The integration may be performed in the mass of a matrix (extrusion in the case of a polymer) or on the surface of a matrix (coating, dip-coating, etc.).