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What is physical behavior at nanoscale?

At this level of division of matter, the laws of classical physics do not predict all the effects observed. For example, the probabilistic quantum laws explain the tunnel effect that is the founder of nanotechnologies. Below 50 or 100 nm, properties such as hardness, elasticity, permeability, inflammability, conductivity, or color can be significantly altered.

SEM image of Ni nanowires [N.M. Mohamed, Diamond and Related Materials 65 (2016) 59-64].

A nanotube is mechanically flexible and resistant. Under some conditions, it has an exceptional electrical and thermal conductivity. Nanotubes are very reactive in powder form and can be used for catalysis (gas filtering, or pollutants fixing).

Nanowires are used for their transmission properties (electrical, optical, or chemical), to strengthen textiles or to create sticky surfaces (imitating gecko).