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The grounds

What are probable scenarios for nanoparticles in the grounds?

According to their size, nanoparticles can be more or less strongly adsorbed on the particles of the ground by surface effects. The migration in the ground of the nanoparticles depends on their properties, on the physical characteristics of the ground, and on climatic. Besides, these particles become vectors by fixing the other substances.


PAH: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon.

Nanoparticles can fix pollutants such as heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), or different pesticides, so favoring their transportation. Furthermore, the formation of these complexes can be accompanied by a modification of the toxic properties of the nanoparticles as well as those of the pollutants.

It is planned to use some of those nanoparticles, which have a strong chemical reactivity, for the pollution treatment, in particular the water treatment [A.S. Adeleye et al., Chemical Engineering Journal 286 (2016) 640-662 / X. Qu et al., Water Research 47 (2013) 3931-3946].